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Oaxacan artist Juan Carlos Abreu

Juan Carlos Abreu’s magnificent painting of Saint Michael the Archangel inspired two scenes for In the Land of the Feathered Serpent.  And his celestial roses also make several appearances in the novel.  But all of Abreu’s art is inspirational and unique, and I urge you to take a closer look at his work:


Juan Carlos is also on Facebook Juan Carlos Abreu and Instagram j.c.abreu.

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Juan Carlos Abreu is a Mexican artist who lives and works in Oaxaca, Mexico.  His paintings are famous for their ability to awaken sensitivity and creativity, both in the artist and the viewer.  His art creates a space for new ways of seeing, feeling, and living.  His themes, colors, and textures are a reflection of his innermost spirit expressed through energy and dedication to his work.  From his first work, Juan Carlos has defined a unique style imbued with balance, depth, and form.  His spectacular drawings are created with perfection and lightness of touch, fusing multiple images into a single space within reach of all those who yearn for beauty.  His creations redefine the concept of nature, offering entities that transcend the deconstruction of childhood memories with dreamlike scenes on canvas, often infused with the memories of his father.

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St. Michael, the Archangel

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Juan Carlos Abreu es un artista mexicano que vive y tiene su estudio en Oaxaca México.  El artista comienza a despertar su creatividad y sensibilidad a través de la pintura, espacio artístico donde ha creado una nueva manera de ver, sentir y vivir los temas, colores y texturas, reflejando en ellos lo que hasta hoy ha sobresalido de su personalidad tras el esfuerzo y dedicación.  Cada pieza que presenta tiene varios momentos, plantea lo estético de cada etapa creativa, desde su primer obra hasta haber definido su propio estilo, conservan un gran equilibrio en fondo y forma, con espectaculares dibujos, donde la mano fluye con ligereza y perfección, donde funde las figuras en un solo espacio y al alcance de todos los que amamos la belleza.  Su obra es capaz de redefinir el concepto de naturaleza, si bien la escuela dominica la define como principio de operación y misión de ser, desde su propio empirismo son entes que trascienden deconstruyendo recuerdos de su infancia, escenas casi oníricas volcadas en lienzos, impregnados de la impronta de su padre.

The Virgin of Guadalupe

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